Akhlaq Mustafa, Mushtehasan, Kiran Negi, Anas Iqbal Alvi, Ghazala Javed
Akhlaq Mustafa1*, Mushtehasan2, Kiran Negi3, Anas Iqbal Alvi4, Ghazala Javed5
1Research Officer (Chemistry), Drug Standardization Research Unit, Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine, New Delhi.
2Research Officer (Unani), Drug Standardization Research Unit, Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine, New Delhi.
3Assistant Research Officer (Pharmacognosy) Drug Standardization Research Unit, Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine, New Delhi.
4Research Assistant (Chemistry), Drug Standardization Research Unit, Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine, New Delhi.
5Research Officer (Unani), Incharge, Drug Standardization Research Unit,
Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine, New Delhi.
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 13,
Issue - 4,
Year - 2023
There is an increasing awareness and general acceptability of indigenous drugs in today’s medical practice and over 80% of the world population depends on herbal drugs and products for healthy living due to their no side effects. Unani formulations are based on herbal, mineral, and animal origin and have been practiced in India for hundreds of years for treating various ailments by its holistic approach with natural means and drugs. Research is a creative work using existing knowledge for further development and advancement of knowledge and the approach, methodology and technique of research should be consistent with the ultimate objective because the scientific method of research is a combination of hypothesis, experimentation, observation, and reasoning. Therefore, the criteria of real scientific research are that its result should be reproducible under similar conditions. The paper deals with the objective of standardization and makes experimentation, and observation and particularly to check out Physico-chemical data of two in-house prepared samples of compound Unani formulation ArqAswadBaridunderSOP guidelines by adopting two different methods(classical and modern) of fermentation process separately and the content so obtained after distillation from fermented materials were utilized further to prepare two separate samples of the finished products i.e. Arq-e-Aswad Barid and underwent for the comparative assessment by following some Physico-chemical and quality control parameters like viscosity, specific gravity, refractive index, weight per ml, detection of aflatoxin, microbial load, pesticide residue, etc. of both the samples to achieve the objective of study. Besides, the preliminary physicochemical study of all ingredients used as raw material in the preparation of Arq-e-Aswad Barid was also conducted.
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Akhlaq Mustafa, Mushtehasan, Kiran Negi, Anas Iqbal Alvi, Ghazala Javed. Comparative Assessment of Phyto and Physico-chemical Parameters of Laboratory prepared Two Renowned Samples of Polyherbal Formulation “Arq Aswad Barid” by Adopting Two Different Methods (Classical and Modern) for the Step of Fermentation Process with the Preliminary Study of Its Ingredients. Asian Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2023; 13(4):2758-2. doi: 10.52711/2231-5659.2023.00047
Akhlaq Mustafa, Mushtehasan, Kiran Negi, Anas Iqbal Alvi, Ghazala Javed. Comparative Assessment of Phyto and Physico-chemical Parameters of Laboratory prepared Two Renowned Samples of Polyherbal Formulation “Arq Aswad Barid” by Adopting Two Different Methods (Classical and Modern) for the Step of Fermentation Process with the Preliminary Study of Its Ingredients. Asian Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2023; 13(4):2758-2. doi: 10.52711/2231-5659.2023.00047 Available on:
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