Author(s): Ramavath Muralidhar Naik, Hindustan Abdul Ahad, Haranath Chinthaginjala, Bogavalli Varalakshmi, Siriguppa Dheeraj, Pathakumari Jaya Sree


DOI: 10.52711/2231-5659.2024.00003   

Address: Ramavath Muralidhar Naik1*, Hindustan Abdul Ahad2, Haranath Chinthaginjala1, Bogavalli Varalakshmi1, Siriguppa Dheeraj1, Pathakumari Jaya Sree1
1Department of Pharmaceutics, Raghavendra Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (RIPER) -Autonomous, Ananthapuramu - 515001, AP, India.
2Department of Industrial Pharmacy, Raghavendra Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (RIPER) - Autonomous, Ananthapuramu - 515001, AP, India.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 14,      Issue - 1,     Year - 2024

A zoonotic condition known as monkeypox (MPX) is brought on by the monkeypox virus (MPXV), a species of the orthopoxvirus family. It was found in 1958 following an epidemic at a Copenhagen, Denmark, livestock facility. MPX has a clinical appearance that is comparable to smallpox (SPX). Laterit’sfinding, MPXV has shown a tendency to infect and cause disease in a significant number of mammalian animals from all over the world. Traveller’s MPX was exported from African countries (Nigeria) to other regions of the world in 2018 and 2019, respectively, raising concerns that MPXV may have emerged to occupy the ecological and immunological niche left by the smallpox virus (SPXV). MPXV first appeared again in 2017 in Bayelsa state after 39 years with no reported cases in Nigeria. This review's goal is to locate all documented cases of human MPXepidemics and pertinent epidemiological data. We made an effort to gather and discuss in this review all articles that have been written about MPXV infections that have been found experimentally or naturally. We also go through the comparative illness courses and the state of our understanding of the biology of infection, epidemiology, diagnosis, spread, and prevention of MPXV globally, particularly concerning humans. The MPXV is regarded as a high-danger pathogen that roots a disease that is significant for public health. To plan effective preventative, preparedness, and response actions, it is vital to concentrate on developing surveillance capacities that will yield meaningful information.

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Ramavath Muralidhar Naik, Hindustan Abdul Ahad, Haranath Chinthaginjala, Bogavalli Varalakshmi, Siriguppa Dheeraj, Pathakumari Jaya Sree. An Outbreak of the Monkeypox Virus: An Alert to Mankind. Asian Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences. Sci. 2024; 14(1):11-8. doi: 10.52711/2231-5659.2024.00003

Ramavath Muralidhar Naik, Hindustan Abdul Ahad, Haranath Chinthaginjala, Bogavalli Varalakshmi, Siriguppa Dheeraj, Pathakumari Jaya Sree. An Outbreak of the Monkeypox Virus: An Alert to Mankind. Asian Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences. Sci. 2024; 14(1):11-8. doi: 10.52711/2231-5659.2024.00003   Available on:

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