Prasad A. Kalyankar, Laxmikant M. Purane, Omkar A. Devade, Vivekkumar K. Redasani
Prasad A. Kalyankar*, Laxmikant M. Purane, Omkar A. Devade, Vivekkumar K. Redasani
Department of Pharmacology, YSPM’s, Yashoda Technical Campus, Satara, Maharashtra, India.
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 14,
Issue - 4,
Year - 2024
This study aimed to assess the antistress activity of leaves of Sida veronicafolia (Lam) (SVL) against immobilization stress models, chemical induced stress and anoxia stress tolerance in rats and mice. At dosages of 250 mg/kg and 500 mg/kg p.o., the antistress properties of an ethanolic extract of Sida veronicafolia (Lam) leaves (EELSVL) were examined. The reference standard was determined to be 2 mg /kg intraperitonally of diazepam. Stress was given in rats and mice using chemical stress, immobilization stress models, and anoxia stress tolerance test. The numbers of the writhes, the volume or weights of the animal organs, the anoxia stress tolerance duration, and evaluation of biochemical markers such blood urea nitrogen, glucose, and cholesterol were utilized to measure the stress activity. Mice treated with EELSVL prior to pretreatment exhibited a dose-dependent increase in the anoxia stress tolerance duration and a inhibits the numbers of the writhes. The immobilization stress model demonstrated a significant reduction in the levels of biochemical parameters, including blood urea nitrogen, glucose, and cholesterol, following pretreatment with EELSVL. On the other hand, EELSVL dramatically and dose-dependently reversed the stress-induced rise of the weight of the liver, adrenal glands, and spleen; that is, EELSVL restored the organ weight and the level of biochemical parameters relative to the positive control. Our study's findings showed that EELSVL have strong antistress properties, and one potential mechanism for these effects is the normalization of catecholamine levels.
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Prasad A. Kalyankar, Laxmikant M. Purane, Omkar A. Devade, Vivekkumar K. Redasani. Antistress Activity of Leaves of Sida veronicafolia (Lam) in Mice and Rats. Asian Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2024; 14(4):353-8. doi: 10.52711/2231-5659.2024.00056
Prasad A. Kalyankar, Laxmikant M. Purane, Omkar A. Devade, Vivekkumar K. Redasani. Antistress Activity of Leaves of Sida veronicafolia (Lam) in Mice and Rats. Asian Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2024; 14(4):353-8. doi: 10.52711/2231-5659.2024.00056 Available on:
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