Author(s): Twinkle Pal, Mayurika Das


DOI: 10.52711/2231-5659.2024.00006   

Address: Twinkle Pal*, Mayurika Das
Pandaveswar School of Pharmacy, Pandaveswar, Paschim Bardhaman - 713346, West Bengal.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 14,      Issue - 1,     Year - 2024

Alzheimer disease (AD) chronic neurodegenerative disease. Beta amyloid and tau neuropathy associated with this disease. New drug therapy deals with AREA, DIED etc. The in vitro and in vivo study shows Aducanumab was the first treatment to address an underlying cause of the disease. This removes sticky depositions of amyloid plaques. Alzheimer's neuropathology the superfrontal cortex suffer from atrophy and loss of neurones, which occurs inflammation and deposition of amyloid plaques and bundles of connective tissue and abnormal set of protein fragments. The monoclonal part of the drug attacks the aggregated depositions. Gantenerumab & Solanezumab also are tested for curing for this disease. There much model like 2D and 3D and various cultural model by which the AD cure process can be reached. A neuron is unit of the brain function, which contains an excess amount of polyunsaturated (fatty) acids. It can react with ROS, which can deals with lipid peroxidation response and cell apoptosis, in addition, low glutathione to neurons and is major causes of oxidative stress injure Modelling has been formed by stem cells, vascularised organ. Advanced models are used to understand better neurodegeneration, and potential therapies. In this review we can say that the current progress of new therapeutics like lipid metabolism, inflammation, and disease customize genes to AD in preclinical and clinical research. It’seeming that higher dose are worked in AD patients but lower dose causes AREA. ARIA can successfully cured in most of the patients who engaged themselves in important tests without stopping the treatment.

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Twinkle Pal, Mayurika Das. Review of Alzheimer’s Disease’s Animal Model with it’s Pathophysiology and Drug Discovery. Asian Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences. Sci. 2024; 14(1):34-2 doi: 10.52711/2231-5659.2024.00006

Twinkle Pal, Mayurika Das. Review of Alzheimer’s Disease’s Animal Model with it’s Pathophysiology and Drug Discovery. Asian Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences. Sci. 2024; 14(1):34-2 doi: 10.52711/2231-5659.2024.00006   Available on:

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